Drag Queens, Crossdressers & Trans
Miss Vicki Rene

Fabulous drag icon Miss Vicki Rene passed away in July, 2011. Vicki Rene’s site for drag queens, female impersonators, cross dressers, transsexuals and the transgender community is now part of The Transgender Guide network of sites. This site will remain in remembrance of our dear friend who touched so many of us in a very positive way.
We will include the photos from Vicki Rene’s friends, including the popular “Prettiest of the Pretty.” We will restore the e-mail and website addresses from the photo submissions also. That will be completed in phase 2 of our rebuild of the site content. This is a huge project that is going to take a few months to complete, so please be patient with us as we restore the old site content. Please feel free to leave a comment for Vicki Rene and you may also submit any photos you might have of her.
Tribute to Vicki Rene
Note from Lori of TGGuide.com: Vicki Rene was a friend and a mentor for me as she was to many others in the transgender community. We lost Vicki Rene in 2011 but her vision lives on and we welcome her online family into the TGGuide network.
Miss Vicki Rene was a caring and compassionate person. Here is a quote from her that I especially love. This timeless advice gives a glimpse into the true nature of Vicki Rene.
Words to Live By (by Vicki Rene)
“I have been asked over and over again, the same question, in both emails and in person: “How do I become a better woman, a passable woman?” I always answer it the same way!
It is great to be passable but it is even greater to be accepted! You can only be accepted by being a good person and realize all around you are people that may like, may hate you and some may even just not understand you. Don’t run away from any of these people, give them your best smile and look them in the eye and say hello. If you run, you will be running all your life.” ~ Vicki Rene
Navigating the site: There are many pages on this site. Please notice the site navigation buttons at the top of the page. When you mouse over the buttons you will find nested pages with even more content. You may also go to the VickiRene.net sitemap for a complete index of all pages and content on VickiRene.net.
What’s Happening at VickiRene.net
What’s Happening: We will update this section to keep you informed of site progress. Presently, we are busy working behind the scenes to restore as much of the site content as possible. Fortunately, we have most of the thousands of photos and pages from the original site. We are restoring all of the “Prettiest of the Pretty” photos, showgirls and some of the drag pageant winners. Please come on in and take a look around, but check back soon because there will be more site photos and content added daily.
NEW! Trans Chat and Social Network
TRANS COMMUNITY & SUPPORT: We have thousands of transgender community members and friends. Trans chat is a great way to explore your place in the transgender community. Come join us in a safe, welcoming environment and meet new friends! We have chat rooms designed specifically for the transgender community and trans support rooms.
TRANS ADMIRERS: If you’re an admirer or want to engage in naughty chat we have you covered too. Just sign up and look in the Trans chat rooms list for adult-themed rooms just for you!
We’ve created a Trans chat room and social network platform with something for everyone. We don’t have a lot of chat rules but we need a few to be sure the chat flows smoothly. Please read through the chat rules and make sure you follow them. Join the conversations and get to know everyone. There are some great transgender folks and community friends who will be happy to chat with you. Click here to sign in or join transgender chat – it’s always free!
Trans Chat – You Must Agree To The Rules Stated Below
Trans Chat Rules: The trans chat room is frequently monitored by moderators who may or may not identify themselves as staff members. You must abide by their instructions at all times. We try not to be overbearing but some simple rules are needed to ensure a sense of safety and a free flow of live chat.
1. You must be at least 18 years of age per the site rules.
2. Name calling, harassment, racism, bigotry, and general disrespect towards other chatters is not permitted.
3. Do not publicly or privately post any personally identifying information or private conversations.
4. Conversations involving politics and religion are allowed only in the Politics and Religion & Spirituality rooms, respectively.
5. Arguing with chat moderators is not permitted.
6. Please block members who cause problems or with whom you have personal issues.
7. Do not post Craigslist style ads in the lobbies. (eg. 24/looking for phone or cam fun. etc.) Use topic rooms for these kinds of chat requests.
8. Do not spam or flood the room.
9. Cybering in group/public chat is only allowed in the adult themed rooms.
Please leave a Vicki Rene memorial message or comment below
Meet More Local Trans Friends!
Take the time to spoil yourself. You deserve a break from the everyday grind just as much as anyone else. Find some new friends, chat with new people and maybe find a love interest. We all need some TLC.
- FantasyTGirls.com – Meet new trans friends online and light up a new flame in the process.
- Meet-TGirls.com – Chat with and meet T-Girls in your area for companionship and dating.
- MeetTransgender.com – Your dream T-Girl could be anywhere, have you checked Meet Transgender yet?
- TGDating.com – Meet trans friends to go to lunch with, or do the dirty with, it’s up to you!
- TGProfiles.com – Find new friends and lovers with TGProfiles. You’ll be happy you visited!
- Transgender-Chat.com – A FREE transgender chat and social network site made with you in mind!
- TVTSDating.com – Find who you’re looking for with TVTS Dating!
- TransChatr.com – Find out what’s so special about Trans Chatr! Join the fun!
- SextMessenger.com – Find sexy friends to share naughty photos with. Sext Messenger is the best there is!
- TransgenderNewsChannel.com – Stay updated on all the breaking news from the transgender world!
RIP dear.
WOW! I decided to Google her name today to see if the site resurfaced only to hear the saddening news. I am so sorry to hear of Miss Vick is passing. I remember when she contacted me and chose me to be Showgirl of the Month….I was exuberated! I told her that it was a special accomplishment that held a special place in my heart! Kudos to the powers that be for resurrecting the site! Thanks so much for keeping our history strong! Passion Armani Cassadine
I never knew Vicki personally, but I felt she knew ME in a personal way. She made it easier for me to come out, when I was soooo nervous all those years ago, thinking that “sure there are people like me out there, but how many?” Goodness…Vicki let us know that there were MANY “like me” out there…and that made it so much easier. I hadn’t been to this site in years, as I’d been….well, thanks to Vicki’s insight (and site), I’d been out and about…sharing and ENJOYING who/what I am. My heart is saddened by the knowledge of her passing, but my soul knows…..she’s shopping right now somewhere…..where the Gucci’s fit (and are COMFY), Victoria’s Secret lingerie fits like a second skin, and Versace is her personal escort & fashion advisor. Shop In Peace sweet Vicki
I think a very nice person is gone.
rest in peace Vicki!
i didn’t realise there was a third gender till i came
to this site it opened up a whole new world to me.
so sorry to see you go
Not forgetting this site- a lovely monument to keep up and show comments of appreciation
She was a lovely person who did so much for the community. I am so very sorry to hear of her passing.
Vicki, I will never forget you making the trip to see me at Metro. You were a very kind and inspirational person.
See you on the other side ! Foxx
I knew Bernie brandell, Lynn carter, George dart, Arthur Blake and more……good times then
Vickie contacted me and asked if she could feature me on one of her pages…… She and I talked by phone once and she had so many nice things to say to me….. We exchanged stories and she was so sweet to me….. I never got to meet her but such a lovely person who has been such a leader in our gender community…… Vanessa Vogue
rest in peace for eternity
I knew VickiRene both personally from meeting at Southern Comfort and other places around the country, but also from chat rooms, and just generally on the internet. I was also a member of her POP site, as she was of my Vickie’s Vixens site that I maintained for a number of years. Our paths just always seemed to cross.
I remember fondly our teasing each other over the fact that our names are spelled differently and not everybody caught that, and would spell either her or mine incorrectly. She called me “the Vicki who tacks an e on the end of her name” and I called her “the Vickie that suffers without the E”….LOL
And then there were people who would email me and ask to join POP or her to join Vickie’s Vixens. We both got a bit of chuckle over that, together,.
I had the pleasure to both know Vicky well and have partied with her in Florida when she would visit. She was a terrific person and always emulated the true persona of a lady. She will be missed for her friendship and her support to the transgender community.
A beautiful lady and a true inspiration to all of us. She will be miss…
I didn’t even know the site was still up. I had the honor to be one of Vicki’s Prettiest of the Pretty. She was a fabulous gal who welcomed me into the sisterhood of V.C. I can remember enjoying her company at SCC. You’re missed Sis. Gone but not forgotten by those who loved you.
Vicki was an inspiration to me. I came accross her website in the early days of the internet and was lucky enough to be included in the Prettiest gallery.
She will be greatly missed. God bless you Vicki.
Hi,… I am looking for the page in showgirls that has the Shania Shane information on it, it may be spelled Shania Shaine on it. I had the link to that page but that link brings me to this page now.I did run a search for her but nothing came up … could you help me find the page with the info on her on that page … thanks so much in advance …. Please let me know one way or the other about finding her please
Many years ago I discovered Vicky Rene’s “Prettiest of the pretty” and it gave me a wonderful overlook at a world I was still longing for. Here in Holland just a few were knowing what was happening in the USA, but I have been fortunately able to get a good look at Vicky’s community. I have found my luck as a woman and was struck by the news that has gone. There is a pretty world above and she is there!
Vicki and I were, from the late 90s, a bit joined at the hip. She was primarily responsible for me involving myself with the Renaissance group in King of Prussia, Pa. Both my wife and myself would change at her place and go to the meetings and stay overnight. We’d breakfast the next day and always were in touch. When she moved to Dallas, when she moved to San Diego, I was there, visiting. My wife, Shalia, joined us in the San Diego visit and we all went to Vegas. A picture of myself and Vicks, as I called her, at Hoover Dam, en drab, is the one I most treasure. She and I were close for a long time. When she got ill, I crossed my fingers and then, one Xmas, no card came back. I knew then. A friend in DC who was also a good friend of all of us, confirmed the sad news. Until today, I never knew this site existed. She was my friend and the very, very best gal pal this sister ever knew. For a time when she was President of the Vanity Club, I was her VP. We were close and caring and I shall always miss her. Sometimes, Shalia and I will still recall things we all shared together. No, not that, just deep, true friendship. I still keep her special recipe for Strawberry Salad, hehe. I will always keep it. I have so many special memories of her and our times, I can’t begin to relate all of them to you. She was my friend and I loved her (and him) as much as any friend I ever had. I will always miss her. Love you, gurl……Lexi.
Thank you so much for your heartfelt comments. Hugs to you. ~ Lori
Would you mind if I quote a couple of your blog posts
as long as I provide credit and sources back to your website: http://vickirene.
net/. I’m going to aslo make certain to give you the proper anchor text link using your blog title: Drag Queens, Cross Dressers, Transsexuals and Transgendered. Please be sure to let me know if this is okay with you. Many thanks
No problem at all Carolyn. Thank you for asking.
The sorrowful demise of Big Sister Vicky Rene is a great blow to the transgender community, female impersonators, cross dressers and others who were closely related with her. May god grant her peace. She will be ever-inspiring to many people like me.
I was sad to read about the passing of such an amazing woman….stumbling across her website a few years ago, changed my life completely….she made it possible for me to meet people like me….and this took me out of the dark lonely place that I was trapped in…….she is and will be sadly missed….and my heart goes out to her family and friends….
It is with a saddened heart that I say God Speed to someone that touched my life in a positive way. She was the light at the end of the tunnel for many but she was something more to me. I hope that her family knows just how missed she will be.
So very sad to learn of Vicki’s passing. I had no idea. We “met” in 2005 when she did an interview with me for her “Showgirls of Yesterday” web site segment. We corresponded frequently for a few years but eventually lost touch. I just assumed she grew tired of keeping her web site up and running. I knew she had a kidney problem but she didn’t complain much about it. We talked on the phone once in a while during that period. I feel so very sad about this.
Terry Noel
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and memories Terry.
please accept my condolences , while i never knew dear vicki personaly , it was through her site that she encouraged me to be the best girl i could by ‘coming out’ a little & posting pix , i was so thrilled the day i saw she approved me for POP & i could see my pic there , up in her spot light , so to speak . hugz to all of you my sisters xxx
Rest in peace Beautifull Big Sister Vicky Rene.
i thought of her the other day and i wanted to call and went blank about her leaving us ! i miss my friend and i wish i could go back in time and just listen to eveything she would tell me about life ! Always made me feel like i was beautiful and made it clear to alot of people i was a favorite girlfriend of hers ! when i was doing contest and i was not myself she always understood and just said call me when you are done with the contest ! you are truley miss my friend and thank you for always being there for me ! love jodie santana
I had just been told by a very old and dear friend / admirer whom had been away, that Miss Vicki had passed away!! I will miss her so much.. I’ve never stopped thinking about her on a daily basis, over and over… it’s strange, as I had just figured I would pick up my phone when I had a notion and call her if I wanted, or vice-versa… we would sometimes go for months without so much as a call, email or anything.. so this time when I wasn’t feeling so well and needed a little boost, I picked up the phone and dialed one of the old florida numbers I had for her only to find out it was no longer in service.. so I came in and booted up the desktop, opened up a browser and typed in the address we were all so familiar with!! I had known Vicki since late 1987 when I first moved back to nashville late in the fall.. We had met through a couple of our mutual tg girlfriends while Vicki was in town for a visit… I don’t honestly remember if it was a business or pleasure trip, the reason for her visit.. and she wasn’t living in florida at the time if memory serves me… trying to continue with this blind, I can”t hardly see what I am typing I am crying so much here! I have not been able to take part in the scene for quite a few years now due to my own health issues and medical problems.. seems like I spend as much time in the hospital as I do any where else these days! I.E. I just spent nineteen days in i.c.u. here on full life support because of an infection from just a little ulcer on my leg spreading and shutting down my whole body.. and once again I found myself just about at my road’s end since I have only been able to dream about and remember those times when we would all gather at the different conventions and I was living full time then…
Thank you for your kind comments Cassandra. Wishing you all the best with your health. Sending warm hugs your way. ~ Lori
Oh my God..No…I Loved her..This is truly a loss to the GLBT community..
I discovered Vickys big Website in the year 1998 – while i began starting my own web activity – Vickys site at geocities was a shining star in the early time of the Internet – she gave many T-Girls hope to come out of their kitchen, making their own photos and their own sites.
She was a leader of the Transgender-Community, to make their way to get acceptance from other thinking people, she gaves many others the courage to stay against the wind, blowing a little bit stronger in the beginning years when she was starting with her sites.
We all live a little bit for each other – all we do is a little bit help for every other, who can understand.
Thank you for your comments Jasmin. Vicki was ahead of her time and one of a kind. We miss her very much. Hugs, Lori
Did not know Vicki for just one year but she seemed to know everyone and she really enjoyed what she was doing.She had the only site with that much information. she was always updating the site, She truly enjoy it all. Rest in Peace my friend, till we see each other again….
Hi Vicky,
I can vouch for the work Vicki Rene did on this site. It is going to take a very long time to restore everything. We plan to keep the site going and in the near future will start accepting new photos from site visitors. Thank you for your comment.
~ Lori
Like for many of us, Vicki’s web site was my first coming out of sorts. It was obscure enough to the wrong crowd that I wouldn’t be outed, yet a central hub to the exact people that I was trying to connect with. Also, it was so sweet of Vicki to personally comment via email when she would add a photo. It truly must have been an immense task to keep her site running and clearly it was a labor of love.
Namaste and gratitude, Vicki
Thank you so much for your comment. Vicki Rene built an amazing site with more content than most people would imagine. Rebuilding the site is proving a huge task but we’ll keep at it. ~ Lori
I wondered why the site went down. I travel to crossdress and used the links all of the time to find new places to get makeovers and/or transformed.
What happened to Vicki?
BTW .. I tried to use the contact form and no matter how many times I tried it could not read the CAPTCHA file
Thank you for bringing the site back up .. Kelly
Thank you so much for your comments. Vicki Rene had been dealing with kidney and heart problems but she rarely let anyone know. She wasn’t one to complain or bring others down. Nobody seemed to know how serious her health problems really were.
I wasn’t aware of the CAPTCHA error — that has been repaired and I will get the makeovers page back online for you very soon. We’re restoring as much of the site content as possible but it is an overwhelming task that is going to take months to complete.
~ Lori
I knew Vicki from my days in Dallas. It was with her help and others that I was able to come out and be who I was. I miss her as she was like a older sister to me. Vicki I love ya and miss you dearly.
I like to wear black nylon stockings high heel shoes with girdle, and i like to wear feminine pants. Thank you very much.
It is with great sadness to have returned to this site after more than a year and find that VickiRene has passed this same month. She gave me ample evidence against a chorus of inner voices to find myself not guilty of being alone and an oddity.
It was even more profound to that the Words to Live By (by Vicki Rene) reflect my own philosophy and message to my sisters en femme nearly verbatim. Love you Vicki. I wish I could have met you on this side but the opportunity is forever open.
Love, Denise
That may be one of the most eloquent things I’ve ever heard said about wanting to see a departed friend again. Thank you for posting Denise.
~ Lori
Well I´m very far, in Brazil, and only today knew that she is gone. What a pity, what a loss. She gave me very good moments showing to the whole world what we are! I´ll be thankfull for my whole life.
Yes, Vicki Rene touched many people and you know… I don’t think she really ever knew just how much she meant to us.
~ Lori
Do not know what to say I have been away too long and just found out Vicki passed on to a better place. Such an example for us all we will miss you here Rest in Peace girl XXX Ales
Just found out about Vickies passing. We used to meet up at these parties at Rebs, Jennifer Antones, Cynthias & POD’s, along with others and talk. I believe Vickie played hockey at one time. She will be missed. Mistress Michelle
I just heard from Amber Lynn about Vicki’s passing. Heaven gained an angel when Vicki passed on. My only contact with her was through E-mail, especially when she was on AOL. I also knew some of her “Prettiest of the Pretty” through E-mail correspondence. May she Rest in Peace.
I love dressing vicki rene.looked very mumsy r.ip
I found out today that Big Sister Vicky Rene is no longer with us. Big Sister Vicky Rene had a wonderful site “Prettiest of the Pretty” that we all enjoyed so much for years. Big Sister Vicky Rene wil be missed. Rest in Peace Big Sister Vicky Rene
I knew Vicki Rene for many years. Saddens me to find out just today that she passed away last year. When last we spoke she was living in Florida and we spoke of her health. She never complained and I didn’t realize it was so dire. Miss you honey. Love and Kisses always.